Monday, November 27, 2006

You Have it in You

It's so interesting that all of the images that we are exposed to are not even real. The magazines, internet, television & movies are all people who are done up, worked on and made into fake images. It doesn't help our self-esteem or our self-image. The Dove company is on a mission to find out how to help those struggling with their self-esteem. So, what's the truth about beauty? Dove recently set out across 10 countries and interviewed 3,000 women to find out.

•Only 2% of these women describe themselves as “beautiful”
•About 3/4 of them rate their beauty as "average"
•Almost 1/2 of them think their weight is "too high"
And the truth doesn't stop there.

Go to Campain for Real Beauty @ to see an actual video about how they touch up a model. Also, read the Dove Global Study for a closer look at all the responses - and discover how perceptions of real beauty truly vary around the world.

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