Wednesday, March 21, 2007

TAKING BREAKS: Tips to avoid breakdown and burnout

Our bodies are resilient and built to work, but they are not invincible. Research has shown that no matter what type of work you are doing it will be most productive if you take breaks. Our body’s ultradian rhythms control our energy flow throughout the day. During the first hour of a task our heart rate, brain waves, hormonal levels, and muscle tension all increase. When that hour is up somewhere between 90-120 minutes our body tells us we need a break by yawning, wanting to stretch, or we start to have difficulty concentrating. When we experience these symptoms we should listen to our bodies and take a break. We need not feel guilty because the truth is that the break will help us work better anyway.

We are capable of over-riding these natural cycles, but only by summoning the fight-or-fight response and flooding our bodies with stress hormones that are designed to handle emergencies. The long term cost is that toxins build up inside of us and we can only push for so long without breaking down and burning out. - Power of Full Engagement- Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

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