Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Aaahhh...School Is Starting...Don't Stress...Here's How

Just because school is starting doesn't mean you need to stress out about it. There are some things you can do to help buffer against your stress.

The first step is to identify what's stressing you out...Remember there are a few different areas that stress comes from (The Environment, Physiological, Your Thoughts, & Social Stressors).

Once you done this it's time to make a change. What are you going to do different? There are three basic options for making changes, you can either eliminate the stress, manipulate or adjust it so it works better for you or you can just accept it and try and deal with it.

After you have made the proper changes it's time to organize your life. Ask yourself, where are you spending most of your time. Is it in front of the tv or computer? Is it working, or partying? Try to have a balance of all the areas. Prioritize your time, make a schedule, write in a planner, make a to do list etc.

The last thing you should try and do is take care of yourself. Try and get enough exercise, sleep, taking breaks, eating healthy, getting plenty of water and try and have a positive attitude. Remember you have control of your own thoughts so how you react to situations can have positive or negative consequences.

1 comment:

David Luebke said...

Using a to-do list can help you so much, you write it down somewhere and you dont forget what you need to do. So you aren't constanly worrying about what you have to do for that day or the following day, you have it all in one place.

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